Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Down but not out

Well I ended up a bit sick last week, but it didn't stop me from going out and getting some exercise. I did the usual short runs and swimming, and on Thursday I did an 18km. Well, I'm not sure you could actually say I did it. Unfortunately I've been sidelined again by this nagging knee stuff. I ran about 12km then my knee started acting up again. I walked and ran back, although I couldn't run for very long before wishing I hadn't. It didn't feel as bad as before, but I might just be trying to convince myself of that so I can keep running.
So, again, I've been trying to take it easy. I went swimming on Monday and did a short run at the track after and it wasn't horrible. I went for a 15km bike ride today and my knee is sore. I have been trying to ice it lots today. Not really sure how this is going to play out. I think this is all because of a small incident on the weekend at the cottage. My whole leg seized up and it was like someone had stabbed my knee. I had run a 16km the week before with no problem. So, I'm working on getting some more strengthening exercises in my workouts to help workout the areas around my knees and my core. Once again, we'll see.

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