Monday, June 14, 2010


Wow, sorry about not updating for so long. Life is busy sometimes! I thought I'd include a photo from a race that a couple friends of ours did with us last year. The Santa Run in Burlington. One of the funniest runs to do. All these people dressed like Santa running down the road. It was a blast and I'd recommend it to anyone in the area. I'm the little one.

This last week has been really good. I was able to increase my biking and running a lot! On Monday I did a swim (not much to say about that) and Tuesday I tried for the long bike/run. I biked 20km and ran 5km right after, to see if I'd be able to do the duathlon next week. I survived! I don't really bike very fast, so it takes me awhile but it's really a nice way to see the city and discover new trails around. When I got back, I fully intended to sign up for the duathlon but unfortunately it's all sold out. I don't really feel up to doing the 42km olympic one either, lol. I was really surprised at how ok I felt after doing this long workout. I think sometimes I get intimidated by big numbers and don't want to push myself to do it. I think that I am actually capable of more than I do. I think most people are, actually.

Wednesday I went swimming again (and again, not much to say, you swim back and forth, then back and forth, lol). Thursday was the day for my long run. I managed to do 16km, which is on schedule for me. Pretty good run. Again I was surprised that I felt so good doing it. However, the hurting usually comes a couple hours after, lol. It totally drains me and I become useless by the end of the night, running on empty. Word of advice for anyone who is into doing long distance or intense running. Protein and re-fueling is one of the most important parts of a successful run. The meal immediately after, I feel to be the most important one you have all day. Unfortunately, I was going out and didn't have time for a good meal and I could definitely tell. When you do this much exercise, you become very in tune with your body. It's strange.

Then on Friday I went for a reaaaallllly early swim. Too early for me, lol. We were heading out to the cottage at 9 so I had to go early or I'd go too many days without exercising (I don't want to run on the crazy hilly, gravel, winding cottage road full of black flies and mosquitoes-and sometimes bears!). I'm pretty strict with myself with how many days I'll take off. It's the only way I can keep going, is to be strict. Sacrifices of my social life happen all the time. Anyway, the plus side to going that early is that hardly anyone was there and I had the lane to myself. No offense to any parents of young children, but I was happy there weren't any kids there since sometimes if I go at the wrong time, I can't even have a shower. Unfortunately, no matter what time I go at, there are always naked women hanging out there like it's normal to walk around a group of strangers when you are naked. For some people that's a re-occurring nightmare. For others (mostly old women), it's part of their daily routine. I just try to look at the ground.

On to this week. Today I decided to try a longer bike ride, since 20km isn't actually that hard, unless it's all hills. I went for 26km and I feel good. Well, I think I'm getting a cold, so I don't feel good, but in terms of the bike riding, I did ok with it. I'm still learning how far I have to go to get a good workout, and 26km isn't far enough yet.

So, I'm still not sure where this will take me, but for now I think I'm entitled to go downstairs and eat a bowl of ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. Very glad that the training is going so well, honey! Don't feel bad about being strict on yourself, it has been paying off!
    And if you think that naked women in the change room is bad, you should come into the mens change room!
