Saturday, June 5, 2010

On the road again...and again..

And the goodness continues! Despite all this rain, somehow I have not run or biked in it at all but I've been out every day.

On Wednesday I went for a short 9 length (back and forth) swim. I was in the deep end and have been working on overcoming fear with that but for some reason I was panicking a bit and didn't do as much as I would have liked. It was followed with my usual workout.

Thursday was a really good day to try out some multi-sporting. I went for a 6km bike ride and then a 4km run. I felt really good too. In between I came inside to change though. So, it wasn't exactly like it would be in a race. A good start though.

Friday I went for another swim, this time panicking less and swam 10 lengths back and forth. I think that's about 400m or so. It's 20-25m across one way. I preferred swimming in the shallow end because then I didn't get stuck in lanes with people who were swimming in a way that makes it difficult for me to swim (like splashing like crazy, swimming really slow, not swimming in a circle, etc.). For the most part I actually swim in the leisure lane so I can't complain about the slow swimming, I just have issues branching out farther away from the edge, lol. I've tried going out 1 lane or two, but it will take some time for me to relax about it. So for now I suffer and have to take lots of breaks while I swim.

Today Ryan joined me for my 14km run. He wasn't sure if he'd make it since it's been awhile since he ran that long, but we both survived. I of course did not get enough sleep again, but was ok. It wasn't actually very hot either which was nice. The sun came in and out and there was a good wind. I'm a bit achy now but I really think I've finally kicked the injury.

Things are looking good!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, you totally inspire me! i can't wait to get back out running again once i'm back to normal. maybe we'll have to do a race together some time.
    hugs! and keep going your doing great.
