Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Good Week

It's been a great week! To finish off last week, I went for a 12km run on Saturday. I made a couple mistakes though. I didn't get enough sleep for a few days before and I went out at 9:30. These days it's been 20 already that early. And it was somewhere around that when I went out. All I have is this little clipped on water bottle that holds maybe 1 cup of water so I was definitely a bit thirsty when I got back. My legs were a bit sore, but overall, I'd say my injury is definitely becoming part of the past. I was at The Running Room yesterday looking at water bottles but I'm just not sold on using a whole belt of water bottles. I'll probably go back and ask the people there what they think. They told me to get the one I have when I asked them a couple years ago but it's just not enough when I'm running farther. Word of advice to anyone considering running between 9am-6pm: Bring lots of water! I don't generally drink a lot of water, at least not at one time or I'd throw up, but it's also very helpful to dump it on your head. On my run, I was so irritated and not enjoying my music and couldn't figure out why. Then I realized I was probably just too hot and uncomfortable. So, I started dumping the water on my head and I felt a lot better.
Sunday I took the day off. On Monday I wanted to try a longer bike ride to see if there is a chance of me doing the duathlon in June at Guelph Lake. So I went out intending to try 20km. Well, for some reason I went out late morning again. So, it was hot, but not as hot as when I ran because biking usually gives a nice breeze. I tried a route with some decent hills, since I know from experience that this race will have a lot of them (when I did the tri, it was a 10km bike ride and very hilly). I wasn't going all that fast, but I'd say I did pretty good for biking that distance for the first time in my life. I went out shopping later for some actual biking shorts and was surprised at what the shorts actually look like. It's like a built in bike seat cushion on the shorts, lol. How can anyone run in those things? I'm sure I'd run like I'd been on a horse for too long. I think I'm gonna keep looking around.
Today I went for a 4km run. My IT Band was a bit sore on my left leg, but probably just from the long bike ride yesterday. I bought new running shorts yesterday. The kind a lot of people wear-the short ones that are loose. I figured if so many people have them, they must be a good kind. Yes, they are. So comfortable, just really short. They have a built in part, like a cheerleader skirt would, like underwear, which I assume is because if they didn't, it would be a show for everyone while you run.
Hopefully the rest of the week goes as well as it has been so far!

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