Tuesday, May 11, 2010

On the road again

Things are looking good here. I decided to try a longer run (not like my real longer ones, but longer than 2km) on Monday. I went out intending to do a 5km if I could make it. I made sure to keep close to the house. I ran almost 2.5km out and was starting to feel some knee pain so I turned around. It was slight and ended up disappearing for awhile so I decided that if I felt ok when I was almost back to my house, I'd try for 6km. So, I felt fine and finished 6km. I was not sore at all after or for the rest of the day. It felt good to run again. It's totally an addiction of mine.
So, things are looking better and better. I'm not really feeling sore anymore at all. I did some extra swimming, biking and workouts focusing on abs and I think these workouts combined with better eating (as I sit here eating chocolate covered raisins, lol) and rest have helped get me back into longer-ish runs. If I am able to get back to 10km by the end of the month, I should be able to do the full marathon.
As always....time will tell.

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