Thursday, May 6, 2010

2.5km and counting....

Despite the crappy weather out today, I thought I'd try to run after being off for a week. I was surprised that I was able to make it to 1km without pain. Really good news. So, I went 2.5km (didn't want to push it-I have to work later today and I stand the whole shift) and survived. I found that my knee/leg was sore after but nothing like the other day. So, I know I can run at least 2.5km. It's not the 22km I did a few weeks ago, but it's a step. I'm learning IT Band strengthening exercises and stretches and I'm going to throw in some runner's knee ones too because that's something that has bothered me in the past too. If anyone reading this is thinking of running, I would suggest learning stuff like that BEFORE you try it, lol. I think that was one mistake I made in the last 5 months-not doing those stretches, knowing that I am prone to this type of injury. I also realized I let my protein consumption slip (lazy, didn't feel like making so I'm concentrating more on that. Little things that I hadn't thought of have had big impacts!
Anyway, so it's good news for now!

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