Tuesday, May 18, 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 switch!

Sorry everyone! I haven't been very good with this blogging thing lately!!

So on Thursday I tried a 4km run after having such a good run earlier in the week. Unfortunately this one didn't work out as well. For some reason that I will probably never understand, my right knee ended up super sore, the same way the other one was. My left knee was fine. So, since I'd thought I would be ok, I did it on a day I had to work. It was not fun working that evening. Not as bad as the time I went in after running like 20km, but still not nice. So, I rested my knees AGAIN and went swimming and biking. A funny thing was that when I got back there was a Canada Goose on the tip of our roof and one in front of our driveway. I ran in to try to get a picture but a weedman truck scared them off. I swear the geese are taking over our neighbourhood. There was one on my neighbour's roof too.

Today I went out hoping for a longer run. I'm sick of these wimpy runs (they are wimpy for me, not for everyone, don't get me wrong). I woke up with a sore right knee and thought I might only make it 2km. I never understand this injury thing. I think maybe my knee was sore because I was playing the drums and really trying to get this one beat that requires a lot of the bass drum. But I also could have slept wrong. It drives me crazy that big parts of being able to run properly can be on things out of my control.

Anyway, so I went out aiming for 8km but would be happy with only a few km. I went 4km out and felt ok. I could tell I had been having trouble with the knee but overall it was fine. So, when I got back to my house I ran 2 extra km because I felt fine. So I ended up surviving a 10km. In theory I should be able to do 22km still because it hasn't been that long since I last did it and I probably won't lose my distance that easily. So, again I will try building up and see how it goes. If I end up able to do this marathon it won't be without considerable training and ups and downs.

So, until next time....keep fit and have fun!

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