Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The end

I've come to the end of my road...for this year anyway. I won't be able to do my marathon this year, but there is always next year or the year after or the year after. It's just not possible the way I am right now.

I went for a long run last week on Sunday after waiting over a week from my previous long run that hadn't went that well. I felt fine until 12km when I realized I wouldn't be able to finish, again. My knees were both acting up and I'm just getting tired of having that happen a lot. So, I made a decision that I would "give up" for this year and try again another time when I can prepare better.

I figure I have at least a month of recovery from this continuous knee issue if I want to run without any pain. That puts me into August and the marathon is in September. So, even if I was able to get myself better, I couldn't build up enough distance in that time, assuming I didn't hurt myself again. So, maybe I'll try for the half, but maybe not. I'm not letting myself feel pressured into replacing this run with something else.

I will run a marathon, but it's not going to be in 2010. There are just some realities about me as a runner I have to face and come to terms with. I get knee problems every year but I was ok until I ran a race too fast. So, over winter I will start again. I'm going to keep myself at 10km every week and slowly build up over winter like I did last winter. It sucks, but it's how it is. I have to ask myself, do I want to run for the next 2 months or the rest of my life?

This will be my last blog for this year, but maybe I'll pick it up again in winter. It's crazy running outside in the snow. Thanks to everyone who has been reading this and I hope to write again sometime and say that I finally ran my marathon.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Down but not out

Well I ended up a bit sick last week, but it didn't stop me from going out and getting some exercise. I did the usual short runs and swimming, and on Thursday I did an 18km. Well, I'm not sure you could actually say I did it. Unfortunately I've been sidelined again by this nagging knee stuff. I ran about 12km then my knee started acting up again. I walked and ran back, although I couldn't run for very long before wishing I hadn't. It didn't feel as bad as before, but I might just be trying to convince myself of that so I can keep running.
So, again, I've been trying to take it easy. I went swimming on Monday and did a short run at the track after and it wasn't horrible. I went for a 15km bike ride today and my knee is sore. I have been trying to ice it lots today. Not really sure how this is going to play out. I think this is all because of a small incident on the weekend at the cottage. My whole leg seized up and it was like someone had stabbed my knee. I had run a 16km the week before with no problem. So, I'm working on getting some more strengthening exercises in my workouts to help workout the areas around my knees and my core. Once again, we'll see.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Wow, sorry about not updating for so long. Life is busy sometimes! I thought I'd include a photo from a race that a couple friends of ours did with us last year. The Santa Run in Burlington. One of the funniest runs to do. All these people dressed like Santa running down the road. It was a blast and I'd recommend it to anyone in the area. I'm the little one.

This last week has been really good. I was able to increase my biking and running a lot! On Monday I did a swim (not much to say about that) and Tuesday I tried for the long bike/run. I biked 20km and ran 5km right after, to see if I'd be able to do the duathlon next week. I survived! I don't really bike very fast, so it takes me awhile but it's really a nice way to see the city and discover new trails around. When I got back, I fully intended to sign up for the duathlon but unfortunately it's all sold out. I don't really feel up to doing the 42km olympic one either, lol. I was really surprised at how ok I felt after doing this long workout. I think sometimes I get intimidated by big numbers and don't want to push myself to do it. I think that I am actually capable of more than I do. I think most people are, actually.

Wednesday I went swimming again (and again, not much to say, you swim back and forth, then back and forth, lol). Thursday was the day for my long run. I managed to do 16km, which is on schedule for me. Pretty good run. Again I was surprised that I felt so good doing it. However, the hurting usually comes a couple hours after, lol. It totally drains me and I become useless by the end of the night, running on empty. Word of advice for anyone who is into doing long distance or intense running. Protein and re-fueling is one of the most important parts of a successful run. The meal immediately after, I feel to be the most important one you have all day. Unfortunately, I was going out and didn't have time for a good meal and I could definitely tell. When you do this much exercise, you become very in tune with your body. It's strange.

Then on Friday I went for a reaaaallllly early swim. Too early for me, lol. We were heading out to the cottage at 9 so I had to go early or I'd go too many days without exercising (I don't want to run on the crazy hilly, gravel, winding cottage road full of black flies and mosquitoes-and sometimes bears!). I'm pretty strict with myself with how many days I'll take off. It's the only way I can keep going, is to be strict. Sacrifices of my social life happen all the time. Anyway, the plus side to going that early is that hardly anyone was there and I had the lane to myself. No offense to any parents of young children, but I was happy there weren't any kids there since sometimes if I go at the wrong time, I can't even have a shower. Unfortunately, no matter what time I go at, there are always naked women hanging out there like it's normal to walk around a group of strangers when you are naked. For some people that's a re-occurring nightmare. For others (mostly old women), it's part of their daily routine. I just try to look at the ground.

On to this week. Today I decided to try a longer bike ride, since 20km isn't actually that hard, unless it's all hills. I went for 26km and I feel good. Well, I think I'm getting a cold, so I don't feel good, but in terms of the bike riding, I did ok with it. I'm still learning how far I have to go to get a good workout, and 26km isn't far enough yet.

So, I'm still not sure where this will take me, but for now I think I'm entitled to go downstairs and eat a bowl of ice cream.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

On the road again...and again..

And the goodness continues! Despite all this rain, somehow I have not run or biked in it at all but I've been out every day.

On Wednesday I went for a short 9 length (back and forth) swim. I was in the deep end and have been working on overcoming fear with that but for some reason I was panicking a bit and didn't do as much as I would have liked. It was followed with my usual workout.

Thursday was a really good day to try out some multi-sporting. I went for a 6km bike ride and then a 4km run. I felt really good too. In between I came inside to change though. So, it wasn't exactly like it would be in a race. A good start though.

Friday I went for another swim, this time panicking less and swam 10 lengths back and forth. I think that's about 400m or so. It's 20-25m across one way. I preferred swimming in the shallow end because then I didn't get stuck in lanes with people who were swimming in a way that makes it difficult for me to swim (like splashing like crazy, swimming really slow, not swimming in a circle, etc.). For the most part I actually swim in the leisure lane so I can't complain about the slow swimming, I just have issues branching out farther away from the edge, lol. I've tried going out 1 lane or two, but it will take some time for me to relax about it. So for now I suffer and have to take lots of breaks while I swim.

Today Ryan joined me for my 14km run. He wasn't sure if he'd make it since it's been awhile since he ran that long, but we both survived. I of course did not get enough sleep again, but was ok. It wasn't actually very hot either which was nice. The sun came in and out and there was a good wind. I'm a bit achy now but I really think I've finally kicked the injury.

Things are looking good!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Good Week

It's been a great week! To finish off last week, I went for a 12km run on Saturday. I made a couple mistakes though. I didn't get enough sleep for a few days before and I went out at 9:30. These days it's been 20 already that early. And it was somewhere around that when I went out. All I have is this little clipped on water bottle that holds maybe 1 cup of water so I was definitely a bit thirsty when I got back. My legs were a bit sore, but overall, I'd say my injury is definitely becoming part of the past. I was at The Running Room yesterday looking at water bottles but I'm just not sold on using a whole belt of water bottles. I'll probably go back and ask the people there what they think. They told me to get the one I have when I asked them a couple years ago but it's just not enough when I'm running farther. Word of advice to anyone considering running between 9am-6pm: Bring lots of water! I don't generally drink a lot of water, at least not at one time or I'd throw up, but it's also very helpful to dump it on your head. On my run, I was so irritated and not enjoying my music and couldn't figure out why. Then I realized I was probably just too hot and uncomfortable. So, I started dumping the water on my head and I felt a lot better.
Sunday I took the day off. On Monday I wanted to try a longer bike ride to see if there is a chance of me doing the duathlon in June at Guelph Lake. So I went out intending to try 20km. Well, for some reason I went out late morning again. So, it was hot, but not as hot as when I ran because biking usually gives a nice breeze. I tried a route with some decent hills, since I know from experience that this race will have a lot of them (when I did the tri, it was a 10km bike ride and very hilly). I wasn't going all that fast, but I'd say I did pretty good for biking that distance for the first time in my life. I went out shopping later for some actual biking shorts and was surprised at what the shorts actually look like. It's like a built in bike seat cushion on the shorts, lol. How can anyone run in those things? I'm sure I'd run like I'd been on a horse for too long. I think I'm gonna keep looking around.
Today I went for a 4km run. My IT Band was a bit sore on my left leg, but probably just from the long bike ride yesterday. I bought new running shorts yesterday. The kind a lot of people wear-the short ones that are loose. I figured if so many people have them, they must be a good kind. Yes, they are. So comfortable, just really short. They have a built in part, like a cheerleader skirt would, like underwear, which I assume is because if they didn't, it would be a show for everyone while you run.
Hopefully the rest of the week goes as well as it has been so far!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Strap yourself in for a long ride...I wrote a lot!

I'm feeling slightly inspired as I write this blog and I hope to inspire everyone who reads it.

I've recently started exercising every day or almost every day, which has been fantastic. I did a lot of exercise before, but I would take days off in the middle of the week sometimes. This week has been pretty good. Sunday I decided would be an off day. Monday I ran 4km and biked 3km (I think-I wrote about it but I forget how far I went), Tuesday I swam somewhere around 400-500m, Wednesday I biked 6.5km then ran 3km, Thursday I swam the same distance and today I biked 10.5km. Every day that I do those exercises, I also do a gym workout (I have 2 different workout "routines" that I do-weights, ab stuff, extensions of all sorts...and so on. I won't bore you with details! lol Everything has been going well and I haven't been having any knee troubles.

I have realized throughout my exercising, that it makes me feel good...all the endorphins or whatever that get released through exercise certainly make me feel 100%. It also doesn't hurt that when I do all this and eat properly, it makes me in good shape and makes me feel like I look good. It is generally good for most people to exercise to live a long, healthy life. But, I also have another reason why I do it. I don't often think of this reason until something or someone comes along that makes me think about what my life could be.

Every day people get sick. It isn't news to anyone that all over the world, every day, people die. For many reasons. Some preventable, some not. It's very sad in my opinion but it's the circle of life. It will happen to everyone. Death and taxes, right? So. What is my other reason? Because I can. I was born with both legs, both arms and a fully functioning body. I was born with the ability to do anything I wanted. From the get go, I was given the opportunity to be and do anything I wanted. A fresh start. That is not the case for all. Some people are born with missing limbs or sickness. Diseases that have no cure or cures that make you incapable of doing anything but lie in a bed. I am not one of those people.

I am very lucky. The way I look at it, I have no excuse not to keep my body in the best shape I can. I was given (however you want to interpret that) a chance to live a full life and I want to live that life the best I can. I push my body to it's limits because I know it will make me stronger. I am tired of hearing people complain about things that are just excuses not to do anything and to be lazy. I certainly don't expect everyone to do what I do but I do expect people to do what they can. You know, I don't mind the Eminem song "Lose Yourself." He says some inspirational things in his song and from what I have heard of him, it seems he overcame a lot of obstacles in his life to fulfill a dream he had. People do that all the time. They ignore what people say they can or can't do and do what they want to do. They push past obstacles and keep focused on the dream to accomplish something meaningful to themselves (and maybe not even to anyone else).

The true heroes in my books are those who don't let situations or circumstances determine their dreams. I may have mentioned him before, but there is a man and his son, Dick and Rick Hoyt, who I learned about over the last few months. Look them up on youtube and listen to the story. Even if you are not interested in an ironman race, I think you'll be inspired by the obstacles that they both overcome. It gives perspective. Yes, my knee injury is incredibly frustrating because it made me incapable of doing something I love for a time, but it's not nearly what others have had to overcome.

I could go on for hours, but I'll spare you. I am inspired today to live my life to the fullest for as long as I have. That's a hard thing to maintain every day, for sure, but I'm going to try. I don't know when I'll die or even if I have some underlying sickness in my body creeping it's way through me. I just know that today I'm here. Today I will run. I will keep running until my legs stop working. It is my passion. I'm not going to make excuses.

At the risk of offending people with what I say, I'm going to keep going. Stop being lazy and get out and do what you need to do. Stop letting fear or excuses hold you back from what you should be doing. I'm not telling you to run. I'm saying that I'm tired of people complaining about this or that, "oh I can't do that because...(insert lame excuse here)." You can so do it. You can face your fear. You can meet your goal. You can do anything you put your mind to. Yes sometimes situations beyond your control happen, but you can't let the fear of those situations hold you back. Overcome the obstacles that come and move on. I was terrified in the water during the triathlon I did. The first attempt at it, I had to be rescued out of the water. But, I tried. The second attempt a few weeks later was a success. When I got in the water, I stood in the beach area staring out towards the first marker, debating whether I should swim or turn around, uncertain as to whether or not I would have to be rescued again or worse, drown. Then and there I made a choice to swim. And I made it. I want to continually make the choice to swim.

I will meet my goal. I will run a marathon.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Better and Better

Hey everyone! A quick update with good news! I ran a 4km on Friday and had no problems at all! Nothing hurt! I also ran 4km on Monday and had no problems, again! So, things are looking up. I'm going for a short run tonight and planning a 12km on Saturday, but we'll see how things go.
All in all, things are definitely improving. I've been having what I needed. No pain during the run or after. I also went biking shortly after my run on Monday and other than a little tightness, I was feeling good. I'm trying to get used to doing 2 sports at the same time again, in preparation for dualthons or triathlons.
As always, we'll see.